Tuesday, March 16, 2010

crossmember done, well not quite, have to notch the piece I added so the bushing can move all the way forward, clean and paint
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Monday, March 15, 2010

horrible picture of the column and shifter, paint is close in real life and I will probably use this for the entire interior of the car.
makeshift press to bend the flat bar necessary to box in the x-member. test piece on he right

x-member notched for pan clearance

before picture of the x-member, line scribed where it covers the transmission pan

Monday, March 08, 2010

Now you see it, Now you don't, Scratch that, Reverse it
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Monday, March 01, 2010

master all buttoned up, bottom picture the curly lines weren't final, top is done and done
I have to brag, Im good at this, pulled the original line out and mirrored it for the rear line.