Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Another trailer shot. Very cool to just shoot with hammerite. There will be a jerry can (gas or water) on each side of the cooler. You can sort of see the finished jack as well. Posted by Picasa

This is the trailer tub after we shot it with hammerite. Used a real spray gun this time. Also note the cooler and gas tank that will recieve a nice rack Posted by Picasa

More tub shots. Before if you will ... of course there are no after shots yet Posted by Picasa

Another tub shut. We did some minor bondo work so it didn't look like complete poo Posted by Picasa

cleaning tub to ready for herculiner Posted by Picasa

Bracket for solenoid and thermostat Posted by Picasa

yeah so the grey one here is the drivers side cut out of c-channel and the other was the passenger side Posted by Picasa

drivers side spring plate. Welded vertical ribs on for stiffness. Posted by Picasa

Another shot of the batter mount. Posted by Picasa

We removed the fender add the battery mount. We chose to mount this to the frame so that most of the body could be removed and still be "driveable". You can sort of see the spring plate in this picture as well as the bracket for the thermostat switch and the starter solenoid. Bracket for thermostat and solenoid is below alt. and fuel pump Posted by Picasa

rear tub of jeep prepped and ready for herculiner. Thanks to Ian we did this a little sooner then our argueing would allow :) Posted by Picasa

Another before picture of the bottom of the trailer. Of course I don't see an after picture Posted by Picasa

Bottom of the trailer before hammerite. We bomb canned the bottom. You can see the prep work is done with bondo on the seems Posted by Picasa