Monday, February 22, 2010

Not quite chevy orange but it won't matter after the brake fluid eats it all off, one shot of the combo valve bracket that I need to finish and then the plumbing for the combo valve, I think this was the easy part :(

caliper brackets done and installed, need to wait for ace to restock so I can get all fine thread hardware, plumbed similar to factory manual and in its home, ghetto canned around the shock mounts, big thanks to Jack for taking care of the axles for me LIKE A GLOVE

Monday, February 15, 2010

pretty awesome before and after except of course with ubuntu the pictures don't work

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Monday, February 08, 2010

I would rotate it but ubuntu is killing me, the key here is no wet spot or leak, and yes there is fluid in it.
Not a huge change but made the safety chain holes more useable and filled in a large rust creating hole.

Extended bumpstop to hopefully keep the driveshaft out of the tranny pan

Is this thing working? Axles painted and ready for brakes for the wagon.

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